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[医] 关节周的

Fascia lata grafts and periarticular soft tissues were used extensiely in the United States and Europe. 当时在美国和欧洲,阔筋膜瓣移植物和关节周围软组织被广泛使用。

Radiological changes are characteristic and include narrowing of the joint line, cysts, and periarticular osteoporosis. 影像学的改变是特征性的,包括关节间隙的狭窄、囊肿和小关节的骨质疏松症。

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of avariable-axis locking plate in a multicenter series of periarticular fractures about the knee. 本研究通过多中心对使用可调轴向锁定钢板治疗膝关节周围骨折的结果进行研究,来评估其临床效果。

Unicortical screws are indicated for periarticular fractures in which the screws are placed in the direction of an articular surface, such as in the proximal part of the humerus. 单皮质螺钉适于固定关节周围骨折时螺钉朝向关节面的情况,例如肱骨近端骨折。

Reconstructive options are limited because of the loss of periarticular soft-tissue stabilizers of the glenohumeral joint in addition to the loss of bone and articular cartilage. 由于关节周围的软组织,骨和关节软骨的损失导致肩关节不稳,重建的选择方法十分有限。

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