Every collection is automatically enumerable in JScript. 每个集合在JScript中自动具有可枚举性。
Method is invoked, it returns an enumerable object that contains the powers of a number. 方法时,它返回一个包含数字幂的可枚举对象。
Properties that you create are enumerable, but built-in properties are generally not enumerable. 首先,将该类创建成动态类。然后将属性赋予该类或者其实例。动态创建的属性是可以枚举的。
The term enumerable has the same etymology as in computably enumerable sets of natural numbers. 这通常是要认真处置的例程。
For an enumerable collection of Business objects, the data source shows a list of public properties of simple data types exposed by the class object. 对于业务对象的可枚举集合,数据源将显示由类对象所公开的简单数据类型的公共属性列表。