The words may be hidden backwards, upsidedown or even d... 字有可能被隐藏在对角线上。
Is the reflection of objects projected on the retina upsidedown? 物体在视网膜上形成的物像是倒立的吗?
The erection of oil tank is basically adopted with the airlift upsidedown erection method in northeastern China. 在东北地区的油罐施工中,油罐的安装大部分采用吹顶施工。
What word, when written in capital letters, is the same forwards, backwards and upsidedown? 什么单词,如果用大写字母写。那么前后和上下颠倒看都是一样的?
Sometimes I just feel that the world looks more reasonable when I look at it upsidedown. 有时候感觉,如果倒立着去看,这个世界似乎更合理一些。