Contains the ID number of a dialogbox template resource. 包含着对话框模板资源的ID号。
The DialogBox macro creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template resource. 1楼说的,在这个模式对话框的窗口过程中获取句柄,然后赋值给全局变量。
There was a dialogbox spring out to tell me that my diary must be checked with some minutes. 可能,你只是守着平凡的岗位,但总有一颗不甘平淡的心,只要你明白自己的付出;
Search DialogBox which is sensitive to uppercase/downcase char when it is searching a string. 查找字符串时对大小写敏感的选择框。
A particularly astute reader might eventually wonder, if DialogBox() doesn't return untill the dialog closes then we can't process messages while it's up, so how does it work? 一个特别精明的读者可能会最终感到奇怪