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用作名词 (n.)

What is his function on the committee? 他在委员会里担任什么职务?

The teacher did not explain its grammatical function. 老师没有解释它的文法功能。

The function of the ear is to listen. 耳的功能是听。

Periodic change imposed on a controlled variable or a function by a controller. 通过控制器控制某一变量或函数进行周期性变化。

Heads of state attend numerous functions every year. 国家首脑每年要出席很多重大宴会。

Price is a function of supply and demand. 价格取决于供求关系的变化。

用作不及物动词 (vi.)

However, many system features and tasks will not function correctly. 但是,许多系统功能和任务将无法正常运行。

A new tax and financial system was functioning effectively. 新的财税体制有效运行。

During the reorganization,we should pay careful attention to selecting the key leaders of these sections so that the latter can function properly. 调整时,还要注意选配好这些部门的领导骨干,发挥职能机构的作用。

He can't afford to pay the rent, so for now, his car will also function as his home. 他付不起租金,所以目前他的车也当成他的家了。

During this mission, the command post is functioning prominently. 此次任务中,指挥部的作用尤为突出。

function作名词时,指正式的社交集会,常与at连用。 He first met her at a social function.他在一次社交集会上第一次见到她。

function作名词,可以指人的“职责”或物的“功能”。 The function of a policeman is to preserve law and order.警察的职责是维护法律和治安。 The function of a clock is to tell the time.钟表的功能是报时。

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