Perhaps this sentence is best left untranslated. 也许这个句子还是不翻译的好。
Unfortunately, a large majority of these remain untranslated. 很可惜,很大一部分还是没有被翻译的。
There are no untranslated items, this language should be online soon or is already! 没有要翻译的项目,该语言的版本将在短时间内或已经开设!
Open in binary (untranslated) mode;translations involving carriage-return and linefeed characters are suppressed. (二进制情况下回车和换行的转换是不存在的).
Click "Quick Translate" to edit only untranslated and fuzzy strings, or click "Translate All" to edit all strings. 点击"快速翻译",编辑没有翻译的,模糊的字符串,或者点击"翻译所有的",编辑所有的字符串。