The same is true of citrus hardi ness. 其中电导法是一项既简便又快速鉴定柑桔抗寒性的方法。
None of the cubs are white because of their dad's colour. They have been named His Ka, Hiskia, Hardi and Hakim. 由于受到爸爸毛色的影响,这4只虎宝宝没有一只皮毛呈白色。它们分别被命名为:希斯卡,希斯齐亚,哈迪和哈齐姆。
When you are down and outWhen you're on the street,When evening falls so hardI will comfort you. 父母能够给孩子最好的财富,就是让他们独立对付人生的意志和技能。如果孩子遇事父母都想替他解决、包办,孩子就长不大,长大了也不幸福。
I work hardI can get along well with others.I'm good at Englishespecially my spoken English is very good. 仅有的工作经历而没有自身的优势和特长,也很难求得称心如意的工作。
I never want to work that hardI just want someone that I can talk toI want you just the way you are. 但听着昨夜你贴在我耳边喃喃说出的话,一切都过去了,曾经挂着淡漠表情的日子,曾经习惯了用失语的姿态来告别的日子,在纷扰的白天退去后,沉淀了所有的浮躁,剩下真实和单纯,我们微笑。