Xiamen Tongan Yuanshui Sea Products Co., Ltd. 厦门市同安源水水产有限公司。
Sui Kaihuang 18 years (598 years) to Tongan Xian. 隋开皇十八年(598年)改为同安县。
Tongan city computer to the city direction, Is a very small shop! 同安城往电脑城方向走,是一家很小的店!
The company is located in Tongan Town, Suzhou Hi-tech Development Zone. 本厂位于苏州市高新区通安镇,创立于1998年。
Pb chronological technique was employed in the analysis of the silta-tion phenomenon in Tongan Bay. 采用铅-210地质年代学方法分析了厦门同安湾自高集海堤及其它临海工程兴建以来的淤积现象。