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Offer the Break Bulk service frm Brasil to China about Iron Ore. 提供巴西进口矿石散杂船服务!

General cargo vessel (316): A vessel designed to handle break bulk cargo such as bags, cartons, cases, crates and drums, either individually or in unitized or palletized loads. 原译:普通货船:一种设计用来或单独或联合或平行地装载诸如包裹、纸板箱、箱子、板条箱和圆桶等散装货物的货船。

Whether using break bulk vessels or containerized shipments, we will continually strive to meet the needs of our clients by bring world-class service to their doorstep. 无论是散装船还是集装箱,我们都会尽全力向您提供一流的服务。

It revolutionised the transport of goods by abolishing the traditional (and back-breaking) system of “break bulk” loading, and thus helped oil the wheels of globalisation. 集装箱的出现改变了传统的“散装”载货的方式,令运输方式发生革命性转变,间接加速了全球化进程。

The whole cargo can be sampled and sold the moment the steamer breaks bulk. 轮船一开始卸货,全部的货就可以提供样品并出售。

It is a modern port logistics base (with an annual capacity of 5.5 million tons, ) combining the transportation of bulk cargo, break bulk cargo and containers with transshipment , with an annual capacity of 5.5 million tons (/) . 在未来几年内,该码头计划投资16亿元,建设岸线总长1000米的4个万吨级外海码头、28万平方米库场和18个500吨级泊位的内河港池,形成一个集散货、件杂货、集装箱及海河中转为一体、年吞吐能力550万吨的现代化港口物流基地。

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