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Boccia is suitable for the people with cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy to play. 此活动特别为严重痉挛及肌肉萎缩人士参与。

Among them, boccia, goalball, powerlifting and wheelchair rugby are the four unique Paralympic sports. 其中,地滚球、盲人门球、力量举重和轮椅橄榄球是残奥会上的四个独特项目。

CAD Staff Club Volunteer Team went to Ocean Park with the Hong Kong Paralympic boccia team, to share the joy of their winning of two medals at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. 本处义工队与北京2008年残疾人奥运会香港硬地滚球代表队畅游海洋公园,分享他们在北京残奥夺得两面奖牌的喜悦。

Boccia, J.A., Ackerman, R., and Christensen, C. (1997). The Lowell Leadership Academy: Meeting the challenges of urban school leadership. Urban Education , 31(5), 545-563. 林文律(民88a):校长职务与校长职前教育、导入教育与在职进修。发表于现代教育论坛(四):校长专业教育与专业发展。台北:国立台北师范学院承办。

The match is started by throwing the white target ball or the "jack" into the playing area.The same player also rolls the first Boccia ball as close as possible to the jack. 射击比赛的规则因为分项、射程、射击位置、子弹的数量、发射规定时间、靶子和枪的种类不同而不同。

For the first time participate in the Paralympic boccia competitions Guo Haiying, in the mixed singles bc2-class events in Hong Kong for the Beijing Paralympic Games won the first gold medal. 第一次参加残奥会硬地滚球比赛的郭海莹,在混合单打bc2级赛事中为香港摘下北京残奥会首面金牌。

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