Fearful of strong reaction from Ching government, Dutch never declared that it occupied Lan Fang and let one of the descendent be a figure head. 后来出现了短暂的中印(尼)友好,短暂的苏加诺的“纳沙贡”局面(印尼的民族主义、穆斯林和共产主义“共和”“共存”)。
Click on the top right corner of the figures Head Play. 点击右上方的人物头像开始游戏。
Fore-Castle Deck: Shows the figure heads on the bitts, and where the mast will go. 6-Guns on deck. 前甲板城堡:显示了靠近主桅的双柱系缆桩。甲板上的六门炮。
Forcastle Deck: Shows a close up of the forcastle deck, the camera is focused in on the bitts, you can see the figure heads on them. 艏甲板:近摄的艏甲板,相机的焦点是在双柱系缆桩,你可以看到它们在图上方。