Together, let us concretize the constructive partnership between China and South Africa! 让我们一起来建立一种建设性的中国和南非的关系!
Together,let us concretize the constructive partnership between China and South Africa! 让我们一起来建立一种建设性的中国和南非的关系!
This is for those who have the direction but need the capital in order to concretize their ideas. 腾鼎搬运坦克车同等的质量看价钱
Metaphor is one kind of means to make the abstract idea concretize in vocabulary teaching. 隐喻是词汇教学中使抽象概念具体化的一种手段。
Most importantly is to concretize and amend the code of conduct for enforcement. 最重要的是修改实务守则,将之具体化,让监管部门有法可依。
Dependency Inversion Principle Depend upon abstractions. Do not depend upon concret classes. 依赖倒置原则要依赖抽象。不要依赖实现类。