Please withhold from smoking during the perfomance. 演出时请勿吸烟。
The perfomance improved with each repetition. 演出每演一场都有改进。
Do you have a pride in your perfomance? 你为你的表现而骄傲吗?
Dame Helen Mirren's script for the blockbuster film. Her perfomance led to awards galore, including an Oscar. 奥斯卡获奖影片《女王》的剧本。根据该剧本拍摄的影片不但受到众多好评还让英国老牌影星海伦·伦获得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。
For brazing copper parts in airconditioners, freezers, refrigerators and motors. The brazing perfomance is excellent. 适用于空调、冰箱等制冷设备及电机的铜部件,钎焊工艺性能优良。