Vaporware: New software/hardware that has been announced or marketed but has not been produced. 雾件:一种已经发布或交易但尚未生产的新软件/硬件;也称太监软件/硬件。
This paper introduced a new type of intelligent multi channels ultrasonic vaporware measuring system. 摘要智能化、多通道超声雾化器雾化率检测系统由三大模块组成:数据采集模块、控制器模块、显示模块。
There's nothing more frustrating than to hear lies, or at best mis-informed people, speaking about Infinity, and how it's been in development "forever", and how it is vaporware. 谈到“无限星辰”要怎样才能长远的发展和怎样才能让各个项目蒸蒸日上,在获取消息不怎么灵通的人群中,再没什么比听到谎言更令人感到挫折的事情了。
Ultrasonic vaporware 超声雾化器