Even for the technically inclined, it can bea difficult task deciphering all this technobabble. 甚至对于一个稍为有点技术的人,解释所有这些技术问题也是一件难事。
The reasons for doing this should be obvious but for those of you not familiar with audiophile technobabble I'll explain a bit further. 这其中的道理,明眼的读者一看便知,可对于那些尚不熟悉音频术语的人来说,可能百思不得其解,因此我将在此略作解释。
Aside from the typical example of technobabble justification (“megabytes”), the lesson here is the need to avoid tying software to the exact physical properties of data. 除了这个可笑的技术理由(兆字节)的典型例子之外,这里的教训是需要避免使软件依赖于数据的精确物理属性。