You have to have nerves of steel to be a steeplejack. 你要勇敢些,才能去当一名高空作业修建工。
Parliament has resolved that women could also participate in steeplejack. 议会最近通过一项新的决议,决定妇女可以参加高空作业。
steely eyes; steely nerves like those of a steeplejack. 冷酷的眼神;像在高空作业的工人一样的钢铁般的勇气。
steely eyes; steely nerves like those of a steeplejack 冷酷的眼神;像在高空作业的工人一样的钢铁般的勇气
the steeplejack, exhausted and unnerved, couldn't hold on to his dangerous perch much longer. 那个精疲力竭、心力交瘁的高空作业工人再也抓不住他的保险杠了。