Our spellchecker is another significant piece of technology. 我们的拼写检查器是技术中另一个有重要意义的部分。
And remember, your email software's spellchecker won't catch grammar mistakes. 且记住,邮件自动检查工具不会处理语法错误。
Because the message is electronic, you can use other computer tools, such as a SpellChecker, in creating your message. 因为讯息是电子的,你能使用其他电脑工具,例如SpellChecker(拼字检查法程式),在建立你的讯息过程中。
The program uses the built-in spellchecker engine, which now supports ten languages. 该程序使用内置在拼写检查引擎,现在支持10种语言。You can easily download dictionary for your language using "Download dictionary" button on "Spelling" tab in program settings.
Uses Projects, includes SpellChecker, error checking on project build, project Wizard, context sensitive Help. 利用项目,包括拼写检查,错误检查,对项目建设,项目向导,上下文敏感的帮助。Creates Help files for all programming tools.