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The homologue of the sequence of sea bass and bastard halibut to pufferfish, zebra fish and Atlantic salmon ranged differently from 28% to 68%. 与红旗东方?、大西洋鲑和斑马鱼序列之间同源性变化很大

A few days ago we had a list of embarrassing deaths, one of which included death by eating the liver of a fugu (pufferfish). 杏仁是很有益的种子之一(并不是我们认为的一种坚果)。

Rather than including a photograph of a pufferfish, I have used a youtube clip showing a chef preparing the fugu - it is quite extraordinary. 或许你还不知道目前在美国出售未加工过的生杏仁是违法的-所有上市的杏仁都要经过热处理,以便去除其中的有毒物质和细菌。

Along with the study, the wild pufferfish will be safe foreating, and the Tetrodotoxin will show abroad application future in the medical field. 随着研究的深入,食用野生河豚的安全性将会得到进一步增强,河豚毒素在医学领域里将会有广阔的应用前景。

Identification of Potential Transcriptional Regulatory Elements by Comparison of Human and Pufferfish Genomic Sequences. 比较河鲀与人类基因体序列来定出可能的转录调节要素。

In 1952,Abe regarded that the pufferfish from western Pacific Ocean should not be under a new genus named Fugu instead of Sphoeroides. However,Abe had named six subgenuera under the genus Sphoeroides in 1949,Takifugu is one of them. 阿部宗明在1952年建议成立东方属并以“Fugu”命名时,已于1949年先行在圆属(Sphoeroides)下建立了6个亚属。

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