You might call it a refrigerator of prana or energy! 你可以叫它以太能冰箱!
Waking up early is full of spiritual energy and prana (life force). 清晨早起会让你精力充沛富有活力。
This is the magic of Prana Flow and the magic of yoga. 这就是能量流的魔力,瑜伽的魔力。
Our actions often disturb the mind, causing prana to exude from the body. 我们的行动经常扰乱心灵,使普拉那从身体渗出。Through daily pranayama practice we reverse this process
Prana, or pure energy, is received through this energy center in the head. Prana,或纯粹的能量,通过头顶的能量中心被认可。