Valdes didn't get close to Scholes' piledriver, but insisted afterwards: "I was well positioned, the pity is that Scholes has been lucky, he hit the ball well. 而一切留言之言论只代表留言者个人意见,并非本网站之立场,用户不应信赖内容,并应自行判断内容之真实性。于有关情形下,用户应寻求专业意见(如涉及医疗、法律或投资等问题)。
Magnus Eikrem did his best to upstage team-mate Oliver Norwood in the shooting stakes on 76 minutes when he gave United a 3-2 lead with a spectacular 30-yard piledriver which flew into the top corner. 76分钟的时候玛格努斯.
vibratory piledriver 振动打桩机
vibrating piledriver 振动打桩机