These are people (mainly adolescent males) who get a kick out of breaking into computers and phreaking the phone system. 他们(主要是正值青春的少年)是一些蓄意破坏计算机和电话系统的人。
Mitnick: When I got started, when I learned about social engineering, it was during the phone phreaking era, the predecessor to the hacking era. 米特尼克:当我初出茅庐,涉足社交工程时,那还只是个利用电话破解的年代,算是黑客崛起的初期而已。
Commonly, a phreak is an individual who uses personal knowledge of the telephone system to make calls at the expense of another. 通常他们利用自己对电话系统的了解,盗用他人帐号打电话。
In communications security, phone freak ; a person fascinated by the telephone system. Commonly, a phreak is an individual who uses personal knowledge of the telephone system to make calls at the expense of another. 在通信保密学中,phone freak的合成,指一种对电话系统极感兴趣的人。通常他们利用自己对电话系统的了解,盗用他人帐号打电话。