A 3-year-old girl sufferred from rhab-domyosarcoma of the left temporal bone.She presented with left otalgia and blood-tinged otorrhea for one month. 摘要一名3岁女孩患有左侧的颞骨横纹肌肉瘤,并颅内侵犯,其临床表现为耳痛、外耳道肉芽息肉、血性耳漏及轻微颜面神经麻痹。
We reported two cases of a 83-year-old female and a 48-year-old male, who suffered from right otalgia, temporal painful swelling and trismus. 本院于2003年经历2例右侧颞窝及颞下窝脓疡之病例,年龄分别为83岁女性及48岁男性。
Pain in the ear;otalgia. 耳朵中的痛感;耳痛
Reason Analysis and Discrimination on Otalgia 耳痛的原因分析与鉴别
(1 ) otalgia having side and have a headache as the symptom is sent first; (1)患侧耳痛及头痛作为初发症状;