Englishnavel corresponds to Greek omphalos. 英语中的navel在希腊语中是omphalos。
English navel corresponds to Greek omphalos. 英语中的navel在希腊语中是
Where they met he would declare the omphalos, or navel, of the world. 这两只鹰相遇在德尔斐,希腊中部帕纳塞斯山脚下一个荒野的但风景秀丽的地方。
But through the Omphalos pan-cosmologists have seen a very different scenario. 但是通过Omphalos泛宇宙学家看到的是完全不同的场景。
This is the belief of a small subgroup of Young Earth creationists, which is sometimes termed the Omphalos hypothesis. 一小部分杨地球创造学家相信这个,该信仰有时按照浮饰假设来。
In it we can see the Temple of Apollo, an Omphalos, and a Tree of Life (as a date palm). 在这幅图里我们可以看见阿波罗神殿,一个浮饰、一棵生命树(作为海枣)。