Picking up some stray offcut, he would begin to smile. 每当拾起散落的下脚料时,他都会会心一笑。
Do not use the B product absolutely(Offcut),Special use A product. 绝对不使用B品(边角料)
Third choice offcut steel sheet, unassorted or semi-unassorted mixed steel sheet, top end coil steel sheet, pup coils, misprint sheet, etc. 详细说明: We long time need excess prime/secondary/third choice Cold Rolled
Offcut A remnant of a sheet of paper cut off from its stock size when a specific size was required. Usually retained for use as pads or other jobbing works. 依照特定尺寸裁切原张纸后所余下的部份。可保留作拍子部或其他碎件用。
Different form of plastic scraps are accepted: Rejected parts, Regrind, lumps, film rolls, triming edges, blister packs, offcut, offgrade, prime pellets and Processing loss. 3. 接受任何类型废料: 粉碎料、胶头、薄膜卷筒、边角料、 吸塑片、捆装、副牌、原装粒、损坏部件。