Title: Deutsch/Sport/Fliegen/Ultraleicht - Swiss Microlight Team Das erste internationale Ultraleicht-Team der Schweiz. 台湾棒球维基馆以棒球为主题,旨在记录及瞭解台湾棒球运动的历史。
An RAF rescue helicopter and a lifeboat were called out off Rosehearty, Buchan, after a member of the public reported a possible microlight crash. 一架英国皇家空军救援直升机与一艘救生艇,在一名民众报案称可能发生轻航机坠机事件后,奉命至巴坎的罗斯哈提外海。
MicroLight is a family of wideband, software-defined radios that provide voice, data, video, situational awareness, and tracking information. “微光”是一系列宽带、软件定义无线电,提供话音、数据、视频、态势感知以及跟踪信息。
Ever since they were hatched, they've been tricked into believing this featherless microlight is the parent they should follow. 自打出壳那天起,鹤宝宝就受人哄骗,相信这架没长一根羽毛的滑翔机就是自己的亲生父母。
So they are taught that the microlight, which augments its impersonation by playing recordings of simulated crane calls, is their parent. 教教它们!通过播放模拟鹤鸣的录音带,滑翔机强化了在小鹤心中所扮演的父母的角色。