A kind of mashup of Our Town and Village of the Damned, the film is both draining and enthralling. 我国的城市和乡村被诅咒的一种混搭的电影既消耗又迷人。
According to the warm dark matter model, a string of stars could collapse, causing the stars to collide in a cosmic mashup that would create a seed large enough to grow a supermassive black hole. 根据温暗物质的模拟情况,一串恒星会发生塌缩,在宇宙的尺度上引起碰撞混合,形成一个很大的种源,足以成长为一个特大质量的黑洞。
Dr. Mashup; or, Why Educators Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Remix 混搭博士:为什么教育家们应该学会不再担心而是喜欢混搭
Mashup technology Mashup技术