Typically modest, or perhaps using some clever kidology, Nadal insisted on Sunday that Roger Federer was still the best player in the world, but the evidence suggests otherwise. 出于客气或者是一些孩子般的机灵,纳达尔在周日坚持认为罗杰依然是这个世界上最棒的运动员,但是事实并非如此。
Typically modest, or perhaps using some clever kidology, Nadal insisted that Roger Federer was still the best player in the world, but the evidence suggests otherwise. 或许是生性谦虚,抑或是聪明的调侃,纳达尔此前还坚称费德勒仍然是全世界最优秀的网球运动员,而事实却并非如此。