This hexagram applies this philosophical thought to revealing the principles. 本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理。
Hexagram Li symbolizes Wolf Totem of some exotic race who are called wolf too. 狼很可能是异族入侵者的图腾,也是对该族人的称呼。
Then the Yin again appears at the bottom of the following hexagram, and grows in its turn until it too reigns supreme. 一直达到极盛。于是下一卦的第一爻又出现阴,逐步上升而达到极盛。
Summarize, whatever means you use to get a hexagram, it is sure that information is from individual influence. 综上所述,不管用什麽方法起卦,资讯来自个体感应是确定无疑的。
The line of a hexagram represents calendar of a day and corresponds to case (1). 直接表述吉凶的卦爻辞记述的是时日占候。