Methods:IOL with one hole in middle of each haptic were used. 方法:选用襻的中央各有一个孔的人工晶状体,用聚丙烯缝线将其两襻固定在睫状沟处。
E-book titles cannot use this haptic quality indicator. 电子书不能采用这种触觉指示器。
Haptic interfaces are of importance in virtual reality and telepresece system. 摘要在虚拟现实和遥操作系统中,力/触觉接口是非常重要的人机交互设备。
Third, chits have a nice haptic quality that appeals to many gamers. 第三,对多数玩家来说,图标的质感不错。
I have identified five such channels: kinesic, proxemic, chronemic, oculesic, and haptic. 我在此列出以下五种渠道:身势,空间关系,语速,视觉和触觉。