Downtick A transaction on an exchange occurring at a price below the previous transaction. 低价交易在证券交易所进行,价格低于之前交易的交易。
Downtick Volume The share volume of a security that trades at a price lower than its previous price. 低价交易量价格低于之前交易的交易量。
This signal is much more important than any uptick or downtick of MACD-Histogram. 这个信号比MACD柱的任何上涨或下跌都重要。
The Low Bears make money when prices fall, with each downtick making money for short sellers. 最低点当价格下跌时,空头赚钱,做空时,价格每下跌一个基点都会赚钱。
And with each downtick, Mount Vesuvius growled louder on the other side of the desk. 而每一次股价收低,空方的维苏威火山都喷发得愈加猛烈。