"Yes, Bitzer," said Mrs. Sparsit."I have always pitied the delusion, always. ”“是的,毕周,”斯巴塞太太说,“我对于受欺骗者总是有怜惜之心的。”
I have always considered Bitzer a young man of the most upright principle; and to that I beg to bear my testimony. 我一向认为毕周是一个挺正派的青年;在这一点上,我可以作证。
Whenever you buy or apply BITZER products, you can count on their proverbial reliability and outstanding performance. 比泽尔集团总部设在德国斯图加特,在全世界七十多个国家设有工厂和代表处。
Bitzer Germany has more than 70-year experience in refrigeration compressor technology and manufacturing. 比泽尔公司拥有超过70年的制冷压缩机技术研发与制造的经验;分公司遍布在世界各国。
Bitzer Compressors (Beijing) Ltd, invested by Bitzer Germany, is a newly built in China. 我公司产品品质卓越,价格优惠,交货及时并能向客户提供完善的售前,售后以及维修服务。
乱出点子的人, (尤指当他人工作或严肃讨论时)开玩笑的人