后穹窿穿 刺术
Resisdent: Yes, I did. the culdocentesis is positive , I drew the incoagulable blood from the pelvis. 主任医师:你有没有做后穹窿穿刺以明确后穹窿积液的性质?
Director: Did you make the culdocentesis to make sure the character of the fluid ? 主任医师:你有没有做后穹窿穿刺以明确后穹窿积液的性质?
Conclusion:Culdocentesis is an important and efficitis method in the differential diagnosis of gynecologic acute abdomen. 结论:后穹窿穿刺为方便快捷的重要的鉴别诊断方法。
A positive pregnancy test (presence of human chorionic gonadotropin), ultrasound, and culdocentesis with presence of blood are helpful in making the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. 妊娠实验阳性(人的绒毛膜促性腺激素)、超声检查、阴道后穹隆穿刺出血对于输卵管异位妊娠的诊断都具有重要的意义。