But this difficulty merely emphasizes the impracticability of the proposal. 这种困难,显然表明了平准价格的提议行不通。
Due to the characteristic of technical impracticability, it is hard to calculate the cost of remedying contaminated soil and groundwater. 土壤及地下水污染整治作业有技术不可行之特性,因此整治费用有难以估计之问题。
Such an inevitable conflict, together with the impracticability of Philosophical Education, is vividly illustrated in Plato's Cave-Metaphor. 柏拉图的洞穴隐喻,揭示哲学生活与民众生活冲突的不可避免,以及哲学教育的艰难。
The weakness of Chinese current research situation is shown on its impracticability in execution, and serious problems in the theory system itself. 我国现有行政规划的理论研究非常薄弱,存在严重的不足,主要表现为与实践不相适应、自身理论体系不完善。
The main management item of the company is unmanned and responsible, purchase, the plan such as sales promotion all approves impracticability because of unmanned autograph. 公司的重要经营事项无人负责,采购、促销等计划均因无人签批无法实施。