I envy those improviser who can talk continuously hour after hour. 想想这半年也确实挺能折腾的:一月份:江博全职教书。
Playing Shrek's 1)talkative buddy, a donkey, is veteran comedian Eddie Murphy, another great improviser. 老牌喜剧演员艾迪墨菲为史瑞克多话的伙伴--一只驴子--配音,他也很会即兴表演。
Playing Shrek's talkative buddy, a donkey, is veteran comedian Eddie Murphy, another great improviser . 老牌喜剧演员艾迪墨菲为史瑞克多话的伙伴--一只驴子--配音,他也很会即兴表演。
He is a saxophonist and improviser from the U.S. midwest who currently resides in Beijing, where he performs with Red Hand jazz group, among other jazz and improvisatory outfits. 美国中音萨克斯手,他与夏佳等乐手组建的北京红手爵士乐队,被爵士乐迷称为目前北京最好的爵士乐队,同时他好参与北京许多其他乐队。
He's a great improviser. 他是个伟大的即兴表演者。”