v.[植] 再生长;再植
Planted grassland, revegetated grassland, cropland and orchard had a soil quality of grade 4. 人工草地、撂荒地、农地和果园土壤质量属于4级。
Forensic phytoremediation: Investigation of a naturally revegetated site to establish that remediation has occurred or has begun to occur. 通过研究某地植物自然再生长状况,以确定修复曾发生或即将发生在该区域。
The experiment based on the auto-weighing lysimeters aims to study the soil moisture dynamics and evapotranspiration (ET) of revegetated and bare desert dune area. 以大型自动称重式蒸渗仪为试验设施,对草原化荒漠带固沙植丛区与无植被沙区土壤水分动态及蒸散发进行对比研究。
Besides nitrogen, soil phosphorus and potassium show a significant positive relationship, and therefore fertilizer, especially nitrogen should be fertilized in revegetated abandoned land. 因此在草地植被恢复与重建工作中应注意肥料施用,特别是氮肥的施用。
Revegetated desert 沙漠人工植被区