The first neuron in this sequence is called the preganglionic neuron. 第一神经元在此序列被称为节前神经元。
Direct activation of vagal preganglionic neurons in DMV, AN and ION.B. B.间接激发巨大细胞核,再经此核转而激发迷走神经节前细胞;
Because sympathetic ganglia lie close to the vertebral column, sympathetic preganglionic fibers are generally short. 因为交感神经节的谎言接近脊柱,交感神经节前纤维,一般短。
On viscose staple fibers, the preganglionic hunters made the frantic business inventories fell short stick. 就粘胶短纤而言,节前的疯狂抄底使得粘短企业库存减少。
Recent domestic油粕spot price also continued high demand preganglionic boost stock prices of the main factors disk. 近期国内油粕现货价格也持续走高,节前备货需求是提振盘面价格的主要因素。