Does everyone have the right to choose between being kept alive by heart and breathing machines, and being allowed to die with dignity? 是否每个人都有权选择靠心脏起搏器和呼吸机来延续生命或是任其体面的死去。
Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic. 许多人认为这种禁止个人生死权利的做法是家长作风。
Catholics have been among the fiercest opponents of a right to die . 天主教徒一直是在一种死亡的权利的最强烈的反对者中间.
Any member of the minority party though willing to die for his country still retains the right to criticize the policies of the government. 少数党的任何成员,即使愿意为国捐躯,仍持有批评政府政策的权利。
"We were always prepared to die for people's right to disagree with us in public, but you are disagreeing in the wrong way. “我们随时准备为公众意见与我们相左的人民的权利,但您以错误的方式表达分歧。