"What law is this which is thus ignored or unregarded? " 这个如此忽视和不注意的法则是什么?
The novels illustrated both thefolly of war and the unsung, unregarded heroism of the lower orders, the actualbuilders of the empire. 这个系列小说在说明战争的荒诞性的同时,还描述了那些未被歌颂过的不被人所注意的底层英雄人物,那些帝国的实际缔造者。
Virginia Nicholson has found one of those subjects which sits unregarded under our noses, and has discovered in it a rich seam of personal and historical interest. 维吉尼亚.
An Analysis of the Unregarded Reason of theNoble Families in the Former Zhao and Prephase of Shile Period 浅析士族在前赵及石勒前期不受重用之原因