It was our young acquaintance of Baymouth, Mr Spavin, who had got his degree, and was driving homewards in triumph in his yellow postchaise. 这是我们在倍莫斯见过的年轻的朋友斯帕文先生,他得了学位,现在包了一辆橙黄色的驿车正衣锦荣归呢。
It was our young acquaintance of Baymouth, Mr. Spavin, who had got his degree, and was driving homewards in triumph in his yellow postchaise. 这是我们在倍莫斯见过的年轻的朋友斯帕文先生,他得了学位,现在正乘着一辆橙黄色的马车正衣锦荣归呢。
spavin caused by collection of fluids. 由于潮湿而导致的跗节内肿。
spavin caused by distension of the veins. 由于静脉扩张而导致的跗节内肿。
spavin caused by a bony growth. 由于骨质增生而导致的跗节内肿。