It is a hand held, self contained, rechargeable cordless polish. 这是手扶, 独立性, 可再充电的无绳的擦亮剂。
Two bedroom (4 persons) fully self contained split level penthouse apartment. 两居室(4位客人)全装修复式顶层阁楼。
With this, you can setup self contained templates with their own data structures for assigning their own variables. 这样,你就能够建立包含自身的使用自己的数据结构的模板来给他们自身的变量赋值。
Each sbu currently has a self contained logistics infrastructure and there is very little interaction between them. 每个商业战略区目前都有自己的后勤组织而他们之间的互动很少。
Consider a bank that has separate "silos" - self contained application systems that are oblivious to other systems within the bank. 考虑一个银行有一些分离的“地窖”在银行内不为其他系统所知的自包含应用程序系统。
Self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or positive pressure airline with mask are to be used in oxygen-deficient atmosphere. "当进入氧气浓度低于19.