There should be very little bend of pastern. 踝部可能会有稍微的弯曲。
Feet down at the pastern are a serious fault. 足爪在骹骨之下属于严重缺陷。
Strong, nearly straight pastern. 结实,且几乎垂直的胶骨。
A small dainty foot or one down at the pastern are not functional. 小而秀气的脚或者弯曲过大的踝部是没有功能的。
Pastern? (Potters) and(add) water to soften the clay. 制陶工加水使其变的更加柔软。
Legs should have short hair from the pastern and hock joints to the feet. 腿部从脚腕到足爪或从飞节到足爪部分长有短毛。