What does this situation look like in terms of loanable funds? 用可贷资金来表示,情况会是怎样呢?
That is, we have increased the supply of loanable funds. 这将使我们的可借贷资金的供应增加。
This is the “loanable funds” model of the interest rate, which is in every textbook, mine included. 这是利率的“可贷资金”模式,每本教科书都包括这个内容。
As their loanable funds build up, waiting for viable business, their operating costs have increased. 商业银行由于约束机制增强,对加工工业项目的贷款更加谨慎,存贷款差额较大,增加了运营开支。
Illustrate the effect of these phenomena on the world market for loanable funds. 说明这种现象对可贷资金市场的影响。