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And dimity petticoats over her knee. 爱女儿,爱家,爱生活!

This paper discussed the three key factors for production pure cotton weft knitted cool dimity fabrics, i.e. 文中对生产纯棉凉爽麻纱针织面料的三个重要方面进行了阐述:纱线的细度和捻度的高面料性能的影响;

She could afford to be loyal to Dimity and say nice things about her, for Alex Fontaine had never been one of her own beaux. 她能真心对待迪米蒂并说她的好话,亚历克斯 - 方丹从来都不在她的情人之列。

Did you see my wife, did you see, Did you see my wife looking for me? She wears a straw bonnet, wit white ribbons on it, And dimity petticoats over her knee. 看见我媳妇,到处找丈夫?草帽佩缎带,裙子到膝盖。

Main products: T/C, T/R, highly elastic fabric (spandex), tussore, polyester, polyester blended fabric, fabric for shirts, decorative cloth, fabric for cases and bags, wool-like fabric, dimity, etc. 主要产品: T/C、T/R、高弹(氨纶)、罗缎、涤纶、涤纶混纺织物、衬衫布、装饰布、箱包布、仿毛系列、麻纱等纺织品面料和长纤、短纤、平光的双/单面摇粒绒和双/单面起毛系列针织产品。

Now she could look back down the long years and see herself in green flowered dimity ,standing in the sunshine at Tara ,thrilled by the young horseman with the blond hair shining like a silver helmet. 怪不得最后老师说考试不考呢,原来这种东西不是真正的历史,所以只好回避了。齐鲁台放完大清后宫又要放乾隆和嘉庆了,全是鞭子戏,真的很无聊,可能就像我一样无聊吧。

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