But all exoplanet detections had been of the squiggly variety. 但是,所有系外行星探测已变得形形色色(毫无规律)。
Taking the image of an exoplanet is not an easy task. 给外行星拍照并不是一项轻而易举的工作。
Unfortunately, water vapor was not detected in either exoplanet. 但不幸的是并没有在两颗行星上发现水蒸气。
There are disputes about whether these are the first exoplanet photos. 还存在有关这些照片是否为首次系外行星照片的争论。
Other space observatories can use transits to discover details about any atmosphere that might enshroud an exoplanet. 有其他的太空观测器,可以利用掩星来发现可能覆盖在系外行星外的大气细节。