[域] Paraguay, 巴拉圭
Hap - py birth-day. Hap -py birth-day. 生日快乐。生日快乐。
Author, I. I. Eds. (PY). Book title. City, State: Publisher. 作者主編(西元出版年份)。書名。出版地點:出版者。
He's h ap py just to sit back and let others make the decision. 他真乐意袖手旁观而让别人作决定。
Good ti-dings for Christ-mas and a hap - py New Year. 祝你圣诞和新年有好运相随。
What they Qgote Car Hire for in Alicante , is What you Py! 他们引述 出租汽车 在 阿利坎特,你付出!