It is a cross field of image processing, computer graphics, computer vision, Pattern Recognition and so on. 该方法是一个交叉领域,涉及到计算机图像处理、计算机图形学、计算机视觉以及模式识别等诸多学科。
KDD or DM is a cross field of Statistics, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Database and so on. 知识发现(简称KDD)和数据挖掘(简称DM)是集统计学、人工智能、模式识别、并行计算、机器学习、数据库、知识获取、数据可视化、专家系统等技术的一个交叉性的研究领域。
The Amplitron (later called the Cross Field Amplifier) had a long and successful career in military and space communication. 而且只需大致指向目标,不必像激光、粒子束武器那样精确跟踪、瞄准目标,便于火力控制,从而使敌方对抗措施更加困难和复杂化。
Joe Cole is also sorely missed as he is a player who can cause opponents problems with his cross field, two-footed ability and his inventiveness. 乔科尔依然受伤病影响缺阵,他是一名极具天赋和创造力,善于通过盘带和突破创造机会的球员。
In recent years, research and design of crypt security chip is a very popular subject in the cross field between cryptogram and micro-electronics. 安全加密芯片的研究与设计,是当前密码学和微电子学交叉学科领域的主要研究方向和难点。
The first 62 minutes, before Henry's clever cross field to the right, Eto'o in the restricted area of the flying shot saved by Kameni. 第62分钟,亨利前场右侧巧妙横传,埃托奥在禁区内抽射被卡梅尼飞身扑出。