The wax-printing art of the Bouyei, Miao, Yao and Gelo ethnic groups is growing in popularity, with great improvement in designs, patterns and varieties. 布依、苗、瑶、仡佬等民族的蜡染,而今更为流行,且图案、花样、品种都有很大发展。
Di giorno, mi consumava il caldo;di notte, il gelo;e il sonno fuggiva dagli occhi miei. 你为什么暗中逃走,瞒着我不让我知道,使我可以欢欢喜喜地唱歌、击鼓、弹琴给你送行呢?
The wax-printing art of the Bouyei,Miao,Yao and Gelo ethnic groups is growing in popularity,with great improvement in designs,patterns and varieties. 布依、苗、瑶、仡佬等民族的蜡染,而今更为流行,且图案、花样、品种都有很大发展。
The Gelo women generally wear shirts with long sleeves,wax-dye and embroidered jackets with sleeves reaching the middle of their arms. 仡佬族女子一般穿长袖衬衣,外套蜡染和彩绣半袖外衣,罩对襟坎肩,下着百褶长裙并加小围腰。
Ho il gelo nelle vene. 我血液如冰....