Is your office in a state of constant chaos and disorganisation? 你的办公室总是处于一种乱七八糟、毫无条理的状态吗?
Let's hope, then, that the disorganisation and the toothlessness really were just a one-off. 让我们一起希望,这种无组织无进攻的比赛仅此一场。
Whether this confusion stems from extreme negotiating tactics or sheer disorganisation is unclear. 这种言行不一究竟是偏激的谈判技巧,还是全然无秩序的表现呢?我们不知道。
This matters, and not just to the passengers forced to endure its grubby, cramped, time-wasting disorganisation. 这一点很重要,而乘客被迫忍受污秽、狭促、浪费时间的无组织状态也不能以此为借口开脱。
You can be busy all day but not have achieved anything - and that's simply disorganisation. 你可能整天忙碌但一事无成,而这只是因为时间管理不行。