Dinnertime at Cuddie Springs: Hunting and Butchering Megafauna? 坎地瀑布的晚餐:大型动物的狩猎及屠杀?
MacPhee hopes, for instance, that the DNA could explain why so many megafauna went extinct in the Americas. 举例来说,麦克菲希望这些DNA可以解释为什麽这麽多的巨型动物在美洲大陆绝迹。
This appeared to clear humans of any involvement in the disappearance of the island's large megafauna. 这一现象使得人类与岛上大型动物的消失似乎没有关系。
Horses, camels, lions, elephants and other large creatures were everywhere: megafauna were the norm. 这段称霸期间,到处都有马、骆驼、狮子、大象和其他大型动物,显示大型动物是王道。
None of Tasmania's giant animals, known as 'megafauna' were known to have survived until this time. 那时塔斯马尼亚岛没有一种大型动物还生存在岛上。