[斯瓦希里]乌呼噜, 自由
American satellite Uhuru exemplifies the capabilities of X-ray astronomy. 著名的美国“乌呼鲁”卫星充分显示了X射线天文学的威力。
The mother left her son on a mat while she went tohang clothes in the yard of her Dar Es Salaam home,Uhuru newspaper said. 民族独立报报导,这名母亲将儿子放在垫子后,到她位于(坦尚尼亚首都)三兰港的住家院子里晾衣服。
They will go to the ODM's Musalia Mudavadi, who was also named local government minister, and Kibaki ally Uhuru Kenyatta, who will also serve as minister for trade. 他在选举中从奥廷加的橙色民主运动中分离出来,并且从那以后一直与齐贝吉总统的民族团结党结成联盟。
This legal opinion is being seen as the reason behind last week’s formation by Trade minister Uhuru Kenyatta of a committee to oversee implementation of the Comesa safeguards.Mr. 从上个世纪末的最后几年开始,国内各大保险公司纷纷加紧信息化建设的步伐,最近几年来,全国联网、呼叫中心、数据集中等基础设施建设已成为众多保险公司的主要投入。
This legal opinion is being seen as the reason behind last week’s formation by Trade minister Uhuru Kenyatta of a committee to oversee implementation of the Comesa safeguards. 轨迹功能客服可以看到访客登录网站后先后访问过哪些页面,分别在各个页面停留的时间,帮助客服有针对性的介绍业务,同时也为企业了解客户最关心的信息提供了依据。